Monday, December 28, 2009

Day 17

Nina enjoyed her second bath this morning. She had to look her best for her newborn photo shoot. Each day Nina becomes more lively - louder cries and bigger eyes during longer periods of alert time. She is an excellent eater and pooper. The West's favorite time is taking naps with Nina, our little heater :)

Look at that little butt!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Day 15

We didn't make it to church for Christmas, so I read Nina the story of Jesus' birth. I had her in my arms when I was carrying the Bible downstairs and she had folded her hands like she was praying!

Notice the little penguins on her shirt? It was not planned, but we watched March of the Penguins as a family last night. Cute documentary about family and raising little ones. It is amazing the amount of work the parents do for their young. And I thought nursing every three hours was work!

The rest of the day was spent just relaxin

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Day 14

Nina's first Christmas. Daddy had a lot of shoveling to do after the big snow storm. When he was finished we exchanged gifts with our new little family by our beautiful Christmas tree. The rest of the afternoon was spent wrapping presents then off to Grandma & Grandpa West's house. It was a very fun evening and we were all very tired after a big day.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Day 12

I have SO much catching up to do since our daughter Nina Suzanne was born Dec 11, but until then my goal is to write a short post each day with Nina's new adventures.

Nina's umbilical cord fell off today! Probably the biggest milestone in her little life so far! Nina loves looking at the lights on the Christmas tree and has been sleeping really well in her basinette. The days and nights blend together and fly by on our schedule of nursing Nina every three hours. She is a happy little baby who already smiles! Especially when we kiss her cheeks!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Fast Forward - Week 36

I had a doctor appointment on Friday and they officially have my due date as January 1 - true to the generic title of this blog. But I like January 7th better and really its nobody's decision but the baby's when it wants to come out. Anywho, that means I now visit the doctor every week. I have met all the doctors - 1 of the 8 I don't like at all, I have 1 favorite, and the rest are really nice and smart.
The doctor said everything looks good and the head is down. I had a day with almost no movement (scary) but the baby got the message we don't like that and has been squirming around ever since. It doesn't keep me up at night, although I have not been sleeping well lately. Hopefully this means its on the sleep at night schedule.
I have a feeling the next 24 days are going to fly by with getting ready for Christmas and finishing the final preparations for baby. This time of year is always fun, but this year is extra exciting!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Valentine's Day at the Spa

Valentine got the royal doggy treatment yesterday, although I don't know how much she enjoyed it. Chad brushed her teeth with liver toothpaste while she tried to eat the toothbrush. Then he gave her a manicure (aka clipped her nails as I held her down). Next it was into the shower for a shampoo - she looks so miserable when she is wet but she was a good sport through it all. And look at the chic pup now!

I am fabulous!

Saturday, November 28, 2009


I have so much to be thankful for this year - I am thankful for every day I get to spend with the man of my dreams, my wonderful friends and family, the miracle growing inside, Chad and I both have jobs, I am gaining an awesome brother and sister in law,and I live in a country where you don't have to pay to use the bathroom! Hooray!! (that could get expensive for a pregnant lady)

My loved ones have been treating this pregnant woman VERY well. Concerned about my comfort during the last month of hugeness, my mom and sister got me these comfy pajamas (socks & slippers too!). Thanks Mom and Annie!

My husband made me the tastiest turkey vegetable soup from scratch - I call it comfort in a bowl. I savored every spoonful, the baby liked it too:) Thanks hun - I am so lucky to have such a talented personal chef!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

34 weeks on Thanksgiving!

Oh my gosh - could this be right?!? The baby weighs around 5 lbs! He/she better save some room for turkey, pie, and oyster stew! The baby has cute, chubby fat and is regulating its own body temp. My body temp has been very warm during this pregnancy. Its a battle in the car - I'm constantly asking Chad to turn down the heat -Very uncharacteristic for me. I can't even button my coat anymore! The latest challenges: laying down, getting up, and putting shoes on. 150 was the magic number at the doctors today - I almost weigh 150 and the baby's heart rate was in the 150s.

I wasn't kidding when I said how much I like breakfast food. This is one of the 4 blueberry pancakes I had for dinner!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Rough Day

I couldn't sleep last night. About 4:45am I realized it wasn't that I was uncomfortable, I was just awake. So I got up.
I was tired and ready to go home by 10:00am. But I couldn't. So I ate a brownie.
That made the baby run wild. All that movement made me feel car sick!
I have to go to the bathroom all the time. Even right after I go!
At lunch I burnt my tongue on clam chower.
I wish the baby would flip head down because its head AND its butt on either side of my belly button makes for a LOT of pressure.
I am so tired I can't even think. I can't even walk to the car. Good thing its a 3 day week - 1 down, 2 to go!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

33 Weeks

Baby West is around 4 lbs - the size of a pineapple! He or she gets really excited when hearing his/her dad's voice. His/Her most distinctive features - butt (thanks mom!) and head (thanks dad!). Sometimes I think the baby's head is going to rip through my skin! Its hard to believe it might still double in weight - where will it all go!?
Last night we saw Where the Wild Things Are in the theater and the baby was moving a lot during the loud parts and music. I think we will introduce the book first :)
I have thought of some foods I have really liked during pregnancy. I don't know if I would call them cravings because I haven't gone out to get anything in the middle of the night, but here are some of my favorite things:

-toast with butter or jelly. Actually any breakfast food - pancakes, waffles, eggs, french toast



-peanuts/peanut butter, PB&J, PB and chocolate on bananas, peanuts & raisins/craisins

-this hot lunch we had in grade school with this mystery chicken or turkey in a gravy sauce that was poured over rice or instant mashed potatoes - I know, random. I don't know where to satisfy this weird craving!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Lazy Days

I don't think I have ever been so lazy in my life. It feels so good. I have been more chilled out in the past 8 months, not feeling like I have to be doing something productive every second of the day. My workout at the YMCA is now down to just stretching. Evenings are walking Valentine and doing dishes, or making dinner. Then I sometimes blog, snuggle with my puppy, veg on the couch, and go to bed at 10:00 sharp! Weekends are delighfully un-eventful - sleeping in, going for walks, watching movies. I am enjoying this now because things will be a lot different in about 50 days.
Today I am loathing being at work. All I can think about is vacation and not working. Approx 30 more work days - I think I can handle that ;)

Monday, November 16, 2009

Bedroom fit for a Baby

The "office" went through a quick transformation to "nursery" last night. The carpet was so pitiful Chad ripped it off like he was ripping a sticker off a notebook. Next we assembled the crib without even reading the directions! This parenting thing is going to be a breeze! :)

We arranged the changing table, crib, rocking chair, and 2 rugs around and around until it made sense - Voila!

Favorite pregnancy products

I have made it 8 months with no stretch marks, which probably has nothing to do with this St. Ives lotion, but I still lather it on every day. I couldn't stand the smell of Palmers Coco Butter, so I chose St. Ives based on the smell and vitamin E.

My maternity wardrobe consists of 2 pairs of dress pants, 1 pair of jeans, and about 10 dresses. I was shopping with my sister this summer and looking at all the cute maxi dresses and thinking dresses would be really comfortable for a pregnant belly. But what was I going to wear in the winter? My sister had the brilliant idea of still wearing dresses- just with tights and boots for the colder weather. My under armor is so comfortable - leggings and a tank top. Throw a dress on top with a sweater and flat boots and you are all set to go!
My leotard

I look like a pregnant ballerina

My friend Jenny sent me this really yummy tea. Thanks Jen - you are so thoughtful!

I have not had much trouble sleeping on my side. I have always been a stomach sleeper, so hugging this body pillow really helps. Rolling over is getting more difficult each day.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

8 months

Have I mentioned it takes a long time to grow a baby? We are so excited - 8 weeks left!!!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Another blog to read

hey everyone - check out my husband's blog: Shay Chad

I just got back from my doctor appointment and she said I am measuring perfect and the baby's heart sounds good!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Splash of Color

A big THANK YOU to my family for coming over to paint our house! Last weekend the crew of 5 helped my husband out with painting the baby's room, hallway, bathroom, and our bedroom. It turned out great! It's so nice to no longer have plain white walls!

The baby's room is a creamy tan color (above). Now we just have to put the crib together and we will be all set!

We had a great time celebrating my mom's birthday and brother's engagement. Unfortunately we were not able to celebrate a Packer victory. I really appreciated everyones hard work - we always have fun together!

Week 31

9 weeks left - that should get the shock reaction out of a few people! Yes, only 9....looking to 9 fun weeks of Thanksgiving, first snow, Christmas - it is probably 9 of the best weeks in the year! I love the atmosphere of the holidays downtown...Christmas shopping, white lights, Hollidazzle parade.

The baby is now around 3 lbs and 16 inches - no wonder I am feeling so much squirming! I just had some lentil soup for lunch and he/she really liked that! The babe is going through a big growth spurt gaining lots of fat. So for the health of my child I feel obligated to eat lots of icecream - banana cream pie blizzards and just about any flavor of Haagen Dazs.

I may have felt 2 Braxton-Hicks contractions. Not sure, but the past 2 nights I have had a 30 second cramping pain. Also the linea negra is making an apprearance down the middle of my belly.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Belly Button Bullseye

My belly button has not "popped" yet, but its getting there. It is certainly not the deep inny I once had. It is now the pinnacle of my stretching protruding belly, which can make it a little tender. Especially when I get an elbow or a little fist anywhere in the vicinity. But I can't complain, I love the movement.

I attended another baby class at Abbott the other night. This is the first thing I saw on the power point when I walked in. Nice. The class wasn't that great, but the teacher was hilarious - she reminded me of Rachel Ray. Not that I think Rachel Ray is really funny, but the hard edge accent made the topic more interesting. Breastfeeding is not a hard sell and I'm optomistic about it. Just overwhelmed at the time I will need to be available (ALL the time) and fearing not being able to ever leave the house. Ask me in April how I feel about pumping ;)

Thursday, October 29, 2009

30 weeks

The baby is doing new tricks to get my attention - like kicking in new places! So far, most the kicks have been on my sides just under my ribs. I love relaxing, laying down, watching protruding bumps move around. Sometimes a flurry of kicks will make my belly shake! I think the rhythmic small movements I feel are hiccups. All very cute. Kicking further down is not so cute or comfortable! So the baby has 10 weeks to flip from head up to head down. Mom and Dad have 10 weeks to: paint 2 bedrooms, hallway, bathroom, rip out all carpet on first floor, refinish wood floors, buy a couch, assemble the crib, do the holiday thing, and whatever else is on the long list of getting ready for baby!

Last weekend we learned about childbirth for 6 hours straight! Chad was the best father - actively participating as a volunteer to demonstrate "pushing". As you can imagine he made the whole room crack up. I hope I can smile as I remember his attempt at pushing when I am going through that stage in a couple months!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Baby Shower

Last weekend we were blessed with another baby shower. This time the baby's Wisconsin family and friends gathered for a fun-filled ladies' afternoon. The baby had a LOT of lovely aunts and grandmas there - 1 aunt, lots of great aunts,1 grandma, and even a great-great aunt and great grandma! We played fun games, told funny pregnancy stories, and ate really good food! My favorite part was hearing a letter my grandma wrote. My Aunt Cindy is the sixth out of seven kids, so when my grandma was in the hospital after having Cindy, she wrote a letter to her other children. It was so cute - describing their new baby sister, making sure they were behaving at home, and most of all showing how much she loves each of her kids!

My godmother, Auntie Belle, made these adorable cookies by hand!

As you can see, I am very happy to have the youngest Packer fan!

My mom decorated the house in baby stuff she found from when her, I, and her sisters were little - it was so cool! These little dresses were worn over 40 years ago and are still in great condition and still extremely cute!

Friday, October 16, 2009

I passed!

Well, I passed the glucose test. And then I passed out!
I went in at 8:00am to chug the "orange drink". I didn't think it was that bad. Then I saw the doctor - talked about H1N1 and a little about early signs of labor. She said the heartbeat is good and no cervix activity, so now we're on to bi-weekly visits.
So I am waiting in the lobby and feel really tired and hot. I get called back for the blood test-no big deal-I dont have a problem with needles. But I start to feel light headed and sweaty. I tell the nurse I feel like I'm going to pass out, so I put my head down, took deep breaths and she brought me an ice pack. I felt like I was sleeping hard for a long time, so I dont know how long I was out. Thankfully I was sitting in the lab chair the whole time. She brought me a juice box and I felt much better, but have been exhausted all day.

Here is some 28 week belly - still looks pretty it a boy???

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Startle kick?

Some of the loud noises that produce a kick: the postage machine at work, clanking of doing dishes in our tiny sink, 6:00 am alarm clock. Baby can tell the difference between light and dark and also responds to dad's voice. 85 days to go!!!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Week 27

I have not been very good about taking weekly belly pics, so I am making up for it by having a 27 week photo shoot so you can see the baby proof from all angles :)
Added bonus: the photo shoot was in our lovely green and gold bathroom - GO PACK!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Baby Shower

Sunday was our first baby shower. The West family hosted a lovely party for our little one and he/she got lots of cute necessities. The best gift of all is the baby will grow up surrounded by such great family and friends.
I'm glad the tradition of wedding and baby showers is still carried on - I love ladies parties! The support of female relatives and friends is so important and comforting to me. Not to mention there is always tons of delicious food (loved the blueberry cake!). Valentine knows something is up - she was sniffing all the presents and wished the stuffed animals were for her!


Chad participated in the Twin Cities Marathon on October 4th. It was his first marathon and he did a great job! He has been training all summer and put in a lot of hours hitting the pavement.

He woke up early Sunday morning and headed to the start line at the Metrodome. I was cheering him on at mile 14 - he was lookin good! The weather was cool and the scenic route took him around almost every lake in the metro! I was so proud to see him run down the final stretch past the St. Paul Cathedral. What an accomplishment to push yourself for 26.2 miles! He was very happy when he was done.
He was also very happy his 2 teams won this week! Yes, the Vikings defeated the Packers...some were happy, some not so happy. The household rivalry is going to be more heated now that we have more on the line. Cleary, our children will be fans of the better team - so every win counts. The Twins also won the tie-breaker to win the division! It was exciting to see them catch up to Detriot and win a close game! Hopefully the MN winning streak carries on to the Gophers this weekend for Homecoming.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

I had the baby dream...

I don't think I have had a dream about the baby until last night. I don't remember it exactly, but I was going on a trip or going somewhere on a plane. The baby's foot was emerging from my belly button then going back in! Then the whole baby came out of my belly button and it was very tiny and I put it back in my belly - WEIRD! What's your interpretation of that!?!

My drive to work was dark, cold, and rainy this morning. When I got downtown I saw the most unusual rainbow! The sky to the east was pink and the sky to the west was black and right down the center was a colorful, vertical rainbow. It looked like it was coming out of the Foshay Tower up into the sky. It was so beautiful against the skyline in the morning dawn.

I had my first experience with a stranger rubbing my belly this morning. I was standing by my desk and a customer felt the need to rub (not just touch). It could have been because the UofM "M" is really big right on my belly and I think it makes it look extra big and irresistable to touch! She predicted a boy - if that is valid for anything. I didn't think I would mind and I guess I really didn't care, but it was a little strange.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Fruits of the Garden

Did you know that my wonderful husband is also a superb gardener? How lucky am I to reap the fruits of his labor and feast on fresh herbs and vegetables! This year he planted tomatoes (roma,cherry, beefsteak), cucumbers, bell peppers, banana peppers, rhubarb, parsley, lemon balm, chives, rosemary, and 3 varieties of basil.


Fresh ingredients are the key to great flavor

First, blanch the tomatoes by bringing to a boil. Remove tomatoes as the rise to the top.

Rinse in cold water. Remove skin and seeds.

Carmelize onions and garlic in olive oil. Add tomatoes

Add basil and cook a few hours until flavored and reduced. Add salt to taste
