Thursday, November 19, 2009

33 Weeks

Baby West is around 4 lbs - the size of a pineapple! He or she gets really excited when hearing his/her dad's voice. His/Her most distinctive features - butt (thanks mom!) and head (thanks dad!). Sometimes I think the baby's head is going to rip through my skin! Its hard to believe it might still double in weight - where will it all go!?
Last night we saw Where the Wild Things Are in the theater and the baby was moving a lot during the loud parts and music. I think we will introduce the book first :)
I have thought of some foods I have really liked during pregnancy. I don't know if I would call them cravings because I haven't gone out to get anything in the middle of the night, but here are some of my favorite things:

-toast with butter or jelly. Actually any breakfast food - pancakes, waffles, eggs, french toast



-peanuts/peanut butter, PB&J, PB and chocolate on bananas, peanuts & raisins/craisins

-this hot lunch we had in grade school with this mystery chicken or turkey in a gravy sauce that was poured over rice or instant mashed potatoes - I know, random. I don't know where to satisfy this weird craving!

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