Thursday, October 29, 2009

30 weeks

The baby is doing new tricks to get my attention - like kicking in new places! So far, most the kicks have been on my sides just under my ribs. I love relaxing, laying down, watching protruding bumps move around. Sometimes a flurry of kicks will make my belly shake! I think the rhythmic small movements I feel are hiccups. All very cute. Kicking further down is not so cute or comfortable! So the baby has 10 weeks to flip from head up to head down. Mom and Dad have 10 weeks to: paint 2 bedrooms, hallway, bathroom, rip out all carpet on first floor, refinish wood floors, buy a couch, assemble the crib, do the holiday thing, and whatever else is on the long list of getting ready for baby!

Last weekend we learned about childbirth for 6 hours straight! Chad was the best father - actively participating as a volunteer to demonstrate "pushing". As you can imagine he made the whole room crack up. I hope I can smile as I remember his attempt at pushing when I am going through that stage in a couple months!

1 comment:

  1. I love this post! So cute to think of you and Chad cracking up at your childbirth class! And, please, friend and neighbor --- tell us when to be there with your carpet-ripping-up skills, and our paint tools and skills, and we will be there! We would love to help you guys in any way we can. I especially find myself with loads of free time lately, so put me to work!
