Friday, December 4, 2009

Fast Forward - Week 36

I had a doctor appointment on Friday and they officially have my due date as January 1 - true to the generic title of this blog. But I like January 7th better and really its nobody's decision but the baby's when it wants to come out. Anywho, that means I now visit the doctor every week. I have met all the doctors - 1 of the 8 I don't like at all, I have 1 favorite, and the rest are really nice and smart.
The doctor said everything looks good and the head is down. I had a day with almost no movement (scary) but the baby got the message we don't like that and has been squirming around ever since. It doesn't keep me up at night, although I have not been sleeping well lately. Hopefully this means its on the sleep at night schedule.
I have a feeling the next 24 days are going to fly by with getting ready for Christmas and finishing the final preparations for baby. This time of year is always fun, but this year is extra exciting!

1 comment:

  1. Holy mackeral - January 1st! How exciting! You are looking gorgeous, as usual. Can't wait to meet that little peanut! :) Please, please, please let me know if you need anything - I am just down the street and have plenty of time! :)
