Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Day 12

I have SO much catching up to do since our daughter Nina Suzanne was born Dec 11, but until then my goal is to write a short post each day with Nina's new adventures.

Nina's umbilical cord fell off today! Probably the biggest milestone in her little life so far! Nina loves looking at the lights on the Christmas tree and has been sleeping really well in her basinette. The days and nights blend together and fly by on our schedule of nursing Nina every three hours. She is a happy little baby who already smiles! Especially when we kiss her cheeks!


  1. Yay! Nina is here and she is a real beauty! We are so happy for you guys! Merry Christmas, West family!

  2. Congratulations on your most special little Christmas Gift from GOD above! I have enjoyed reading all your pregnancy blogs and how you and your husband have enjoyed gong thru this most wonderful miracle of life together...You did an awesome job with that blog. You should publish it! :) I look forward to reading more and seeing those adorable pictures of Nina! SHE IS PRICELESS!!! YOU HAVE A BEAUTIFUL BABY THERE...ENJOY CREATING LOTS OF MEMORIES WITH HER...THE TIME GOES SO FAST!!
    Oh, by the way, you don't know me...but I am a good high school friend of your mom...Sue!
    Lots of Love and Blessings to you three!
    Love Kjordis
