Thursday, September 24, 2009

Week 25

Only 15 weeks to go! I can't believe its only 15 now. I do feel like I have been pregnant for a long time - not because I don't like it, I'm just so excited and waiting 9 months is a long time! I still feel great - being pregnant has not been a burden at all and I feel very blessed for that.
Reading about what the babe is doing in there is the cutest thing ever! Its hands are now fully developed, although some of the nerve connections to the hands have a long way to go. Dexterity is improving. Your baby can make a fist and clasp objects placed in palm. Exploring the structures inside your uterus may have become baby's prime entertainment. Fascinated by the amount of tactile stimulation a fetus gives itself; it touches a hand to the face, one hand to the other hand, clasps its feet, touches its foot to its leg, its hand to its umbilical cord.

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