Monday, September 14, 2009

Baby's First....

We snuck our little bug into the first Gopher football game at the new TCF Stadium on campus. He/She was a part of history as one of the fans at the sold out game. It was a beautiful night and the excitement and energy gave me goosebumps! It was unbelievable to see the beautiful outdoor staduim filled with Maroon & Gold and MN fans filling the space that was an old parking lot when Chad and I were in college. Being from WI, football is not football unless it is outdoors so I didn't enjoy the Gopher games at the Metrodome when I was in college. We have supported the outdoor stadium movement from day one, watched as the Big Ten stadium was built, signed up for the season ticket waiting list and got tickets! We were so excited for the season to start!The game started with the Air Force F-16 flyover which was amazing seeing the planes come from the downtown skyline. The UofM football legendary history was honored with honorary captains which was really emotional - these men were so proud and happy to have a proper football field on campus again. And to top it off the Gophers even won! It was great to be back on campus, the nostalgic place where Chad and I met almost exactly 9 years ago. And this time with our first child going to its first of many football games :)

Our family got a special blessing on church on Sunday from Canon Richard who married us. Our little miracle is lucky to have lots of prayers to be a healthy baby :)

...And, better late then never.... 24 week belly pic

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