Thursday, September 17, 2009

Status Update

If I was on facebook, or had a facebook, or a wall or whatever I would "update my status" to: My arm hurts. Then all the world would know that my arm hurts and we would have a great relationship. I wasn't sure what you call the part of facebook where you write a sentence about what you are currently doing so I tried to find it on wikipedia. I think its called a status update. I learned a few other randoms about the social media: it was started as a site to post pictures and rate and vote on who is "hotter", its banned in china - what if I have a friend in China? how will we ever be friends???, at first it was only available to ivy league schools. So you will not find me on facebook, but it is my goal for my child to have a page by the time he or she is 2 weeks old :)
Anywho, the reason my arm hurts is because I got a flu shot today. I never remember flu shots hurting this much, but delicate is not the word to describe the nurse who administered the shot. I had my monthly appointment which consisted of: waiting 40 minutes for the doctor, finding out my blood type is B+ (beee positive), hearing the hearbeat (still amazing), and the doctor asking if I had ever had an eating disorder (after I asked why I am not showing much for 6 months). No, I do not have never "held back" on food. I love food and love being pregnant and eat all the time and buy more than 1 tub of icecream at a time. I also went to the farmers market on nicollet mall today and got tons of produce for $15: honey, cilantro, onions, mangoes, grapes, strawberries, and squash.
24 weeks today! - I'll try to remember to take a belly pic when I get home.

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