Monday, September 21, 2009

Active weekend for all 3

Sorry I don't have a belly pic yet, but I do have a kicker! I don't know if it was all the football watching or all the delicious food I ate this weekend, but a certain someone has been kicking up a storm! The normal activity is usually around 10 pm, almost immediately after I lay down in bed. Saturday night the kicks were much stronger and I could actually distinctly feel 2 feet. Today Baby West has been up and about since 5 am! I love feeling this movement and watching my belly jerk around.
We had a WONDERFUL weekend with so many great people! Friday we had double date night on a budget with our friends Tammy and Kevin - proof that fun doesn't need to be expensive. We went out for pizza then saw a movie outdoors at the UofM - right next to my old dorm! Saturday we went to Eloise's 1st birthday. She was such a happy birthday girl and loved all the festivities - another gorgeous day with a great bunch of friends. Sunday we went to church and breakfast with Uncle Dan and Auntie Belle. I really enjoy spending one on one time with family because family events can get so big you don't really get to talk to people. I am so lucky to have the sweetest god parents! We watched a little football before heading of to Joel & Jessica's wedding at Lake Nokomis. It was a beautiful, intimate ceremony in the park followed by dinner and bowling at Elsie's. We are so happy that Joel & Jessica found each other - they make such a great couple!
It is almost 8:30am and the baby is still wiggling around in there! I better start baby-proofing the house because we've got an active one on our hands!

1 comment:

  1. So happy to hear baby West is healthy and active!! Hehe...Cant wait to come visit you at work! I will be there the end of October! See you soon Katy :)
