Monday, November 29, 2010


Nina loves to turn the pages when reading stories. She kisses the characters :)

Nina got an adorable owl pillow for her birthday and discovered how good it feels to lay on it. Now she lays her head on anything soft - even the feathers in her touch&feel book :)

I found her eating Valentine's dog food tonight. She had 2 pieces in her mouth and one in her hand. I laughed, then immediately brushed her teeth (like thats going to help- she can't even use toothpaste yet!) because she had "dog breath" :)

Her daddy pointed out she has a "little curl" in the back of her hair. Never doubted she's a daddy's girl :)

What does Nina like to play with? (aka - get into?) Tonight she had a ball with YaYa's school ID, jabbered up a storm while playing in the freezer, and held her new baby by the feet while hitting its head on the floor :)

She thought it was HILARIOUS when I talked with a piece of paper over my mouth. I will go to any length to make her laugh - it is so priceless :)

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