We had a sick little polar bear this weekend :( Nina had a good Thanksgiving at Grandma & Grandpa West's on Thursday, but we noticed she was a little fussier than usual (hence no pictures of the adorable turkey butt outfit from her god-parents, but believe me - it was the cutest thing ever!). Daddy kept her busy Friday so she made it through the day. But Saturday - man-o-man... Talk about meltdown. Over anything and everything. She was so tired but couldn't sleep because she felt like crap. She was so miserable I could barely recognize my baby with her red, puffy eyes. Even though she was constantly sneezing, she was still a bucket of snot. We finally resorted to distraction and took her to the Mall of America (thanks hubby for the excellent idea!) Poor Papa and YaYa had come to visit and Nina was not the fun baby she usually is. But she did enjoy walking around the mall with her grandparents' assistance, she LOVED her birthday presents (and tissue paper), and YaYa read her books to relax her. She woke up Sunday morning a new woman! I cannot tell you how good it was to have my baby back!
The sun came out and Nina got over her cold so we took her out sledding!
YaYa and Papa came up to visit and brought my old toboggan - it was the perfect chariot for our snow princess!
Nina---It was fun to tobaggan with you, little pink polar bear! You were funny to watch as you ate the white snow for your first time and you even licked it little snow bear! :) Wishing you many many winters of fun and snow! Every snowflake that falls on you has a little love from your Papa and Yaya! :) Love, Yaya