She has been standing on her own a little bit and likes us to help her walk. She doesn't like us to set her down and will crawl over and pull herself up on our pant legs until we pick her up. She has also mastered the "fake cry" which she can turn on and off at will. She continues to love music and smiles when she hears her favorite songs. She definitely knows how to give kisses- usually on our command, but its the sweetest when she initiates it.
She doesn't want to be spoon fed anymore - she prefers black beans and other small pieces of small food that she can pick up. Her laugh has turned into more of a scream which is usually a result of peek-a-boo or any anticipation of a tickle. She has taken control of holding her own bottle - she is having 4 bottles a day. Poor kid would sleep 7-7 if it wasn't for her parent's alarm clock going off at 6am. She is not the best napper, but usually takes two 1.5 hour naps a day.
She has had a cold for about a month now (runny nose, sneezing, coughing-but no fever) but it doesn't seem to bother her much - still really happy! You can see her chapped little lips here...
Oh, and I love how she crosses her feet when she is eating or relaxed - its so precious.
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