Tuesday, November 30, 2010

For Grandma.....

Miss you YaYa.............

Can't wait to see you at Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nina.....watching your videos makes me feel like we are still at your house playing with you! It was fun singing I've Been Workin' on the Railroad with you and it looks like you are having fun hearing it with the jazzed up version! :) Yaya use to sing that same song when I was a little girl. I miss reading to you but you are doing a great job reading by yourself! Poor Bobo just couldn't find his mommy in your book could he? He needed a hug real bad....I'm glad he finally found her! :) I hope you like your new baby doll too. You will be a good mommy! It is fun to see you crawl in your videos. You sure are a good crawler...I think I need you to give Yaya crawling lessons when you come for Christmas ok? I love you lots and lots and lots! Love, Yaya
