Friday, June 18, 2010

6 months

Already a week late! So today Nina is 6 months and 1 week old. But from now on I am ditching the weeks - I feel like it makes her sound so young. She is relatively young but this gal has come so far from that cold December night she was born. Why does writing on this blog always make me cry? ANYWAYS...Nina continues to be such a joyful baby. She still loves people and gives kisses now (She pulls my face to hers and gives me the french style - aka sucks on my lips). She weighed 13.9 at her 6 month appointment but is working on the chubby legs and does have a few rolls. She started eating rice cereal 2 weeks ago and has had sweet potatoes and bananas so far. Girl already has an affinity to the cell phone. Her newest trick is sucking in her bottom lip and making the humming mmmmm sound.


  1. Oh my goodness! She is ADORABLE! Kevin and I love that first picture --- what a ham! Happy 6 months (and one week) to the lovely Nina.

  2. Katy.....the first picture of Nina with the sunglasses reminded me of you when you LOVED those big blue plastic glasses...whenever you wore them you were in such a happy mood! :) I think you really liked them and of course you looked so darn cute in them! Love you...Mom
