Monday, June 28, 2010


Nina smiles as she watches Valentine and giggles when she licks her hand

Sunday, June 27, 2010

My new toy

Nina has found her spot on my shoulder - when she is tired she lifts her head up, tilts it to the side and rests it on my shoulder. It is my favorite thing about being a mom at the moment :)

Sweet tooth

Nina has been trying a new food every 3 days. She started with rice cereal and seemed to like it - saying mmmm with each bite. Next was bananas - she was cool with that. Sweet potatoes - she liked those too. We got brave and tried avacado - I think it was a little thick for her. By the third day she decided she didn't like the green stuff anymore and cried when I brought the spoon to her mouth. So I blended some peaches I had roasted and she loved them! (They have been my favorite too - I have taste tested them all!) She is currently downing the applesauce and next is squash!


I have heard the warning "no blankets in the crib" about 200 times and I am glad I listened! I put Nina down on a blanket to play, walked away for less than a minute, and came back to find this:

The little stinker was completely wrapped up in the blanket! I don't know how she did it, but her head was under the blanket and she wasn't even crying! So lesson be learned do not put your baby to sleep with loose blankets they could get wrapped around their heads. It is a cute picture though isnt it?!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day!

Happy First Father's Day honey! You are the best dad and Nina absolutely LOVES you! She is entranced with watching you talk or watching you eat. It melts my heart to see her snuggle into your chest like she feels so safe with you. I am excited to see her grow and can't wait for you to teach her things - she is lucky to have such a good teacher and awesome daddy. You always seem to know just what she needs. I also love that you still wear your scrubs from the night she was born. I love you so much - Happy Father's Day!

banana popsicle

Friday, June 18, 2010

6 months

Already a week late! So today Nina is 6 months and 1 week old. But from now on I am ditching the weeks - I feel like it makes her sound so young. She is relatively young but this gal has come so far from that cold December night she was born. Why does writing on this blog always make me cry? ANYWAYS...Nina continues to be such a joyful baby. She still loves people and gives kisses now (She pulls my face to hers and gives me the french style - aka sucks on my lips). She weighed 13.9 at her 6 month appointment but is working on the chubby legs and does have a few rolls. She started eating rice cereal 2 weeks ago and has had sweet potatoes and bananas so far. Girl already has an affinity to the cell phone. Her newest trick is sucking in her bottom lip and making the humming mmmmm sound.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

25 weeks

Somehow I missed week 24. Nina has been a very busy girl! She went to Madison to watch Uncle Luke run a marathon last weekend. She is perfecting grabbing her toys and reaches to put her hands in my mouth. She has started teething so she has toys, hands, or towels in her mouth most of the time. We had one rough afternoon where she showed us just how hard she can cry. It broke my heart to hear her sniffling from crying so hard.

Gummy worms are our traditional road trip snack. Nina was initiated on our road trip to Madison :)

Chad brings Nina to daycare in the morning and I pick her up at night. Lately she has been very happy and wanting to stay up late! Its hard to put her to bed because we want to spend time with her too! She usually wakes up to eat between 10-11pm, 2am, and 5-6am so I am still not getting much sleep but I love nursing her and the lil peanut needs to eat! This picture is in the morning hanging out with daddy.