Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Weeks 12-24

Weeks 14-15: laughed for the first time on Valentines Day (when tickled), eating every 3 hours during the day, sometimes have to wake him up which is painful when he is napping so good but keeping him on that schedule makes him sleep 6-9 hours at night. diaper rash went away but is coming back again. had his first blowout diaper. started using the whale bathtub and seems to like bathtime. really loves sucking his thumb! hates the carseat - screams a lot then passes out. there was a point i thought he might be a needy baby because he would cry and then stop when we picked him up, but he has turned out to be the opposite! he likes attention, but he is content pretty much anywhere.

1 comment:

  1. Ty is a needy baby alright........we ALL need him! :) Love you Ty! Love, Papa & Yaya
