Saturday, February 11, 2012

A Day in the Life - Feb 10, 2012

Again, for my records.... Ty at 3 months, Nina 2yrs

Ty ate at 9pm and was in bed by 10. His reflux is getting better so I just have to make sure he burps, then give him a nuk and cradle him until he is drowsy-but not in a deep sleep. He is still sleeping in our room and we always have a fan on for white noise. I took a shower and was in bed by 11. Then an amazing thing happened - I got 6 hours of sleep! In.a.row!!
5:30am - feed Ty
6:00 - go back to bed for another 1.5 hours! yes!
7:45 - Nina wakes up and cuddles in bed with me
8:00 - make pancakes and actually all sit down for a family breakfast before Chad goes to work
8:15 - get Nina ready and play, pay bills online, do a load of laundry
9:00 - feed Ty and give him vitamins
10:00 - Nina watches Sesame Street while I give Ty a bath
11:00 - make oatmeal chocolate chip cookies with Nina
11:30 - lunch:mac-n-broccoli, yogurt-n- blueberries, & of course a cookie! Nina was THRILLED!
12:00 - Nina watched Clifford while I fed Ty
12:30 - Nina nap. I scarf down a fried egg sandwich and grapefruit
1:00 - want to shower and maybe nap, but Ty is wide awake! so we play and he rolls over!
2:00 - shower
2:45 - Nina wakes up and we cuddle on the couch. Clean up a little & get ready for the library. pay 3 medical bills over the phone while Nina is whining because she wants my credit card
3:30 - feed Ty. Nina gives him a huge hug and he spits up all over her - his first revenge as the little brother! Nina starts balling and says "yuck! Ty no spitting me!" Tears roll down my cheeks from laughing so hard. Sorry Nina, I cant help it!
4:00 - library
6:00 - everyone is starving when we get home - feels like chaos. make nina grilled cheese (grill sammich), strawberries, and she decides she likes leftover wild rice that is still cold. while I am feeding Ty, Chad calls to say friends will be over at 7. Hurry to wash the HUGE pile of dishes
7:00 - PMN! (pizza movie night)

**in general Ty is up for about an hour after he eats and then lets me know he wants to nap by getting fussy. He is such a cozy cuddler and loves him some blankies. We just got this awesome rocking basinette thing from my cousin so I put him in that and surf the web while rocking him until he dozes off. He naps so well in there that I have to wake him up when its time to eat!

1 comment:

  1. Katy, God bless you. You are a wonderful mother. My heart is warmed everytime I see how you interact with Nina and Ty. As your schedule shows, your days are busy and full. But before you know it, your kids will be in school. I love you for being the daughter and the mother that you are. Grandma would be so proud of you too. With love, Mom
