Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentines Video

I couldnt get these videos on blogger, so here they are on youtube

Weeks 12-24

Weeks 14-15: laughed for the first time on Valentines Day (when tickled), eating every 3 hours during the day, sometimes have to wake him up which is painful when he is napping so good but keeping him on that schedule makes him sleep 6-9 hours at night. diaper rash went away but is coming back again. had his first blowout diaper. started using the whale bathtub and seems to like bathtime. really loves sucking his thumb! hates the carseat - screams a lot then passes out. there was a point i thought he might be a needy baby because he would cry and then stop when we picked him up, but he has turned out to be the opposite! he likes attention, but he is content pretty much anywhere.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

A Day in the Life - Feb 10, 2012

Again, for my records.... Ty at 3 months, Nina 2yrs

Ty ate at 9pm and was in bed by 10. His reflux is getting better so I just have to make sure he burps, then give him a nuk and cradle him until he is drowsy-but not in a deep sleep. He is still sleeping in our room and we always have a fan on for white noise. I took a shower and was in bed by 11. Then an amazing thing happened - I got 6 hours of sleep! In.a.row!!
5:30am - feed Ty
6:00 - go back to bed for another 1.5 hours! yes!
7:45 - Nina wakes up and cuddles in bed with me
8:00 - make pancakes and actually all sit down for a family breakfast before Chad goes to work
8:15 - get Nina ready and play, pay bills online, do a load of laundry
9:00 - feed Ty and give him vitamins
10:00 - Nina watches Sesame Street while I give Ty a bath
11:00 - make oatmeal chocolate chip cookies with Nina
11:30 - lunch:mac-n-broccoli, yogurt-n- blueberries, & of course a cookie! Nina was THRILLED!
12:00 - Nina watched Clifford while I fed Ty
12:30 - Nina nap. I scarf down a fried egg sandwich and grapefruit
1:00 - want to shower and maybe nap, but Ty is wide awake! so we play and he rolls over!
2:00 - shower
2:45 - Nina wakes up and we cuddle on the couch. Clean up a little & get ready for the library. pay 3 medical bills over the phone while Nina is whining because she wants my credit card
3:30 - feed Ty. Nina gives him a huge hug and he spits up all over her - his first revenge as the little brother! Nina starts balling and says "yuck! Ty no spitting me!" Tears roll down my cheeks from laughing so hard. Sorry Nina, I cant help it!
4:00 - library
6:00 - everyone is starving when we get home - feels like chaos. make nina grilled cheese (grill sammich), strawberries, and she decides she likes leftover wild rice that is still cold. while I am feeding Ty, Chad calls to say friends will be over at 7. Hurry to wash the HUGE pile of dishes
7:00 - PMN! (pizza movie night)

**in general Ty is up for about an hour after he eats and then lets me know he wants to nap by getting fussy. He is such a cozy cuddler and loves him some blankies. We just got this awesome rocking basinette thing from my cousin so I put him in that and surf the web while rocking him until he dozes off. He naps so well in there that I have to wake him up when its time to eat!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Melt My Heart