Thursday, February 25, 2010

Your Body is a Wonderland

John Mayer sings a song about mothers, but when he wrote "Your Body is a Wonderland" , he clearly was not thinking about moms. More like my body is a warzone. I seriously ache from head to toe. And I didn't even have a vaginal birth! I have had 1 professional massage and Chad and I give each other 5 minute massages almost everyday and I still feel like this:

My head hurts from my new hairstyle of perma-ponytail

My neck hurts from staring down at Nina while she is eating, its so cute I can't take my eyes off her

My shoulders hurt because that is where I carry all my stress, yes being a mother is stressful

Lets just say there have been times in breastfeeding that feel like a papercut on the eye. They should make an epidural for your boobs

My heart hurts because I only have 1 more week of spending everyday with my little girl

I have no idea why my lower back hurts so much. I think a combination of repetitive activity (again - breastfeeding), carrying heavy things (carseat, laundry), losing all my muscle after not working out for months, and all the bending and picking up of the baby (even though shes still pretty light). I think I should go to the chiropractor...

My legs and feet hurt from being on them all day long

My pregnancy was so easy and I thought I was in shape so I didn't expect to still feel like this. I shouldn't complain because its all worth it and most the time I really enjoy nursing Nina. Just wanted to document how I feel when I'm in the moment because I will forget when it gets better :)

1 comment:

  1. Ah, Katy you have captured in words the side of motherhood that is not a "piece of cake!" It is all worth it though. Grandma did it for me, I did it for you, you are doing it for Nina, and she will someday show the enduring love of being a mother to her child. God bless you...I keep you in my prayers...I love you very much. Love, Mom
