Monday, February 8, 2010

Health Insurance Reform

This is not a political post, but the world of medical bills needs to improve. First of all, they waste so much paper! I have dozens of worthless reports from Medica in addition to all of the bills Nina and I accrued during our hospital stay.

Don't get me wrong, I am very thankful to have insurance to cover my c-section - the cost is ridiculous. And they overcharged me! If I would not have called Medica to inquire, would they have caught their mistake? Where would the extra money I paid go? It just makes you think - if you are getting tons of medical bills it probably means you were sick. And when you are sick it usually means you are not working which means you probably don't have the money to pay those bills. Or the time to sort through stacks of medical bills and call your insurance to make sure they have not made an error. Dealing with our messed up health insurance is the last thing you want to do when you are trying to recover.

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