Nina is wide awake after her 2am feeding so decided to just put her in the sling and catch up on blogging.
Thursday, December 10th I had a doctors appointment and was dialated to 1, 50% effaced. Friday morning I woke up with contractions but they weren't that bad so I went to work. The contractions continued all day and were consistently 20 seconds, 5 minutes apart. I finally called the nurse about 3pm and she told me it was Braxton-Hicks, which I believed because the contractions were pretty tolerable. I was not thinking this was the real thing. Being Friday afternoon and being slightly uncomfortable and tired I called Chad to meet me a little early. He said I looked miserable when he saw me. We walked through the skyways to the parking ramp. Just as I was complaining about 10 hours of contractions my water broke! Good thing I was wearing black pants and almost to the car! It was definitely the the warm gush that feels like you are peeing, no mistaking that. All of a sudden I wasn't so tired and got really excited - this is it! I explained to Chad once your water breaks the baby is coming soon. He started to panic a little as we were not ready or expecting this! It was the exact day I turned 37 weeks - she wanted to come out the first day it was possible! We drove home in the winter weather, happy we had just got new snow tires. When we got home Chad installed the carseat while I looked at about 5 checklists of what to pack in your hospital bag. Meanwhile, the contractions grew stronger. I called my doctor and the one on call was the ONE I didn't like! She said no rush to come in - just labor at home all night. Now I was, or thought I was, really in pain. I tried to distract myself by watching Fargo. We called our friends and cancelled our plans for that evening. I was growing impatient and decided just to go to the hospital. Took this picture right before we left:
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