Friday, January 8, 2010

4 weeks

Does that mean Nina is one month old? Or is her one month birthday on January 11th? Either way I can't believe it was 4 weeks ago she joined our family and sad that 4 of my 12 weeks off are already done! OK, not thinking about that...
Nina is eating about 2 ounces every 3-4 hours and now weighs 6lbs 5oz. She sleeps all day and is awake at night until we tuck her in the sling and shes out within minutes. She has also learned to cry really hard when she is mad - diaper or clothes change. Its funny how they can go from screaming to calm in an instant. Nina has almost perfected sucking her thumb. She can get it in there and has sucked a few minutes but she usually sucks her fist or stuffs any fingers she can fit in. She also is making really funny facial expressions. Sometimes she looks like a West and sometimes she looks like baby Katy.

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