Monday, December 28, 2009

Day 17

Nina enjoyed her second bath this morning. She had to look her best for her newborn photo shoot. Each day Nina becomes more lively - louder cries and bigger eyes during longer periods of alert time. She is an excellent eater and pooper. The West's favorite time is taking naps with Nina, our little heater :)

Look at that little butt!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Day 15

We didn't make it to church for Christmas, so I read Nina the story of Jesus' birth. I had her in my arms when I was carrying the Bible downstairs and she had folded her hands like she was praying!

Notice the little penguins on her shirt? It was not planned, but we watched March of the Penguins as a family last night. Cute documentary about family and raising little ones. It is amazing the amount of work the parents do for their young. And I thought nursing every three hours was work!

The rest of the day was spent just relaxin

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Day 14

Nina's first Christmas. Daddy had a lot of shoveling to do after the big snow storm. When he was finished we exchanged gifts with our new little family by our beautiful Christmas tree. The rest of the afternoon was spent wrapping presents then off to Grandma & Grandpa West's house. It was a very fun evening and we were all very tired after a big day.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Day 12

I have SO much catching up to do since our daughter Nina Suzanne was born Dec 11, but until then my goal is to write a short post each day with Nina's new adventures.

Nina's umbilical cord fell off today! Probably the biggest milestone in her little life so far! Nina loves looking at the lights on the Christmas tree and has been sleeping really well in her basinette. The days and nights blend together and fly by on our schedule of nursing Nina every three hours. She is a happy little baby who already smiles! Especially when we kiss her cheeks!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Fast Forward - Week 36

I had a doctor appointment on Friday and they officially have my due date as January 1 - true to the generic title of this blog. But I like January 7th better and really its nobody's decision but the baby's when it wants to come out. Anywho, that means I now visit the doctor every week. I have met all the doctors - 1 of the 8 I don't like at all, I have 1 favorite, and the rest are really nice and smart.
The doctor said everything looks good and the head is down. I had a day with almost no movement (scary) but the baby got the message we don't like that and has been squirming around ever since. It doesn't keep me up at night, although I have not been sleeping well lately. Hopefully this means its on the sleep at night schedule.
I have a feeling the next 24 days are going to fly by with getting ready for Christmas and finishing the final preparations for baby. This time of year is always fun, but this year is extra exciting!