Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Date Night - Week 4

Take-out and a movie - sounds simple right? We stopped by Taste of Thailand in our old neighborhood of Merriam Park after work last Friday. Chad got pad thai and I got coconut curry. In honor of date night, we also got an appetizer and dessert :)
We set up a "picnic" on the living room floor, popped in our current Netflix DVD, and... it wouldn't work. Our DVD player was broken. Why does everything seem to break at once? First it was the pipe that broke in our basement, then the lawnmower (Chad's new toy to the right), then the washing machine, and now the DVD player! By this time we were starving. The appetizer was gross - next time we'll stick with the safe spring rolls. My curry was delicious and the mango on the sticky rice was a different dessert, but also very good. We moved to the office and watched The Wire on our computer. Chad and I are unpaid, non-stipendary promoters of both Netflix and The Wire. Basic reasons why: Netflix is cheap, easy, and convenient - huge selection without wandering around a video store. The Wire is a great series about the Baltimore police and has really good character development.

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