Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Date Night - Week 4

Take-out and a movie - sounds simple right? We stopped by Taste of Thailand in our old neighborhood of Merriam Park after work last Friday. Chad got pad thai and I got coconut curry. In honor of date night, we also got an appetizer and dessert :)
We set up a "picnic" on the living room floor, popped in our current Netflix DVD, and... it wouldn't work. Our DVD player was broken. Why does everything seem to break at once? First it was the pipe that broke in our basement, then the lawnmower (Chad's new toy to the right), then the washing machine, and now the DVD player! By this time we were starving. The appetizer was gross - next time we'll stick with the safe spring rolls. My curry was delicious and the mango on the sticky rice was a different dessert, but also very good. We moved to the office and watched The Wire on our computer. Chad and I are unpaid, non-stipendary promoters of both Netflix and The Wire. Basic reasons why: Netflix is cheap, easy, and convenient - huge selection without wandering around a video store. The Wire is a great series about the Baltimore police and has really good character development.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Secret is Finally Out!

We decided to keep our little bundle of joy a secret for the traditional 3 months to make sure everything was safe and sound. But man, it was a LONG 14 weeks! We promised each other we would not tell a soul until our parents were informed. We were so excited to share the good news - we were counting down the days!
We were able to gather up almost all the Hancock side to meet in Milwaukee for a Brewer game. We got our tailgate on in the parking lot and everyone was gathered around when I asked Annie if it would be OK to invite one more person to her wedding next July. Being the sweetheart she is she replied yes, never suspecting I was referring to a baby. So I had to drop another hint -"this person will need a high chair". One by one the Hancocks processed what they just heard and there were tears of joy. The rest of the evening was a blast - the game was really fun and the Brewers even won!

We didn't celebrate Father's Day with Dad West, so we thought that would be the perfect excuse to get together to share our news. We had the West side over for pizza (from Grandpa Tony's - very appropriate). We had fun talking at dinner, but the whole time Chad and I couldn't wait to tell them! After the BEST dessert I ever had (brownie with ice cream and raspberries - a pregnant woman's dream) we gave Dennis his "Fathers" day card. He first noticed the ultrasound picture of our tadpole, but didn't make the connection. Then he read "we really mean Happy Grandfathers Day!" He looked directly at me - "You're pregnant?!!!" They were shocked and happy! Its so fun making your parents grandparents!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Belly pic - week 14

First sign of a bump?


I have never been a huge milk drinker, but I am trying to increase my calcium intake. We have been going through 2 gallons a week since I've had a bun in the oven. The second shelve of our fridge is stocked with beverages - his and hers :)

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Belly pic - Week 12

Taken in what is going to be the baby's room. Right now its the office/Valentine's room.

Belly pic - Week 10

Belly pic - Week 8

Off to the YMCA for a swim!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Date Night - Week 1

I realized we are now going to be a family of 3. That means Chad and I only have 30 more weeks of the peace n' quiet single life where we can go out without spending tons of money on a babysitter. So this is project Date Night. This hip young couple is hitting the city once a week and will review our posh date location.

Week 1: Bar Lurcat
It wasn't difficult to decide where to go on our first date night. Bar Lurcat is easily my favorite bar in the Twin Cities and I think it is on Chad's Top 10 as well. I love it for the decor and Chad loves that the drink menu has a great selection of scotch. The only criticism is the parking and the service, but only a minor hitch in the grand scheme of things. Overall, its a nice place to get dressed up and have a intimate conversation over drinks. Don't worry - I had hot chocolate and got to select a hot tea out of a fancy presentation box :)

Week 2: Groveland Tap fish fry
The Groveland Tap is a bar in our neighborhood. We had a coupon for buy 1 get 1 free, so we went there for the all you can eat fish fry. The Friday fish fry is not as popular as in WI, but deep fried fish, fries and beer are tasty anywhere you are. (Although I was missing the rye bread they always serve in WI). The bar is known for the selection of Summit they have on tap and we were there for the 2 for 1 special. Which meant Chad got 2 and I got none! I actually have not been feeling sorry for my sober self because I have not really been fiending for alcohol, and when I do want a beer the N/A brands are pretty good. The 12 thousand TVs prevented any intimate conversation, so we went for an after dinner stroll down by the river. I somehow lost a bet about Lewis and Clark to the "Mississippi River Expert" ("Katy - I have lived in MN my whole life") so I had to do all the dishes for the whole week!

Week 3: Chambers Hotel Lounge/brunch at W.A. Frost

After the fish fry at the local bar, we were ready to hit the high rollers scene again. It was a beautiful summer night and Chad's friend was spinning at a hotel bar with a rooftop balcony. The Chambers is a high end "art" hotel, so I had always been hesitant to go there for fear it would break the bank. It was just the opposite! I of course had a fru-fru juice and Chad had 2 gin&tonics and a scotch. The bill was only $14! I can't even explain how cool the bar was and the patio overlooked downtown Minneapolis. Great service and the extremely diverse crowd entertained us with some of the best people watching. We will most definitely be going back!

The cheap bar tab allowed us to splurge on a outdoor Sunday brunch at W.A. Frost in the old Victorian Cathedral Hill neighborhood of St. Paul. It is an expensive restaurant, but brunch/dessert/drinks are to die for and still affordable. I have wanted to go to this patio from the day I saw it - it is so cute! I felt like we were in the Secret Garden. Again, the weather was beautiful and we were appropriately seated under a big umbrella. Chad had grilled walleye topped with a poached egg and I had banana bread with candied walnut butter and berries in a hazlenut mousse with candied walnuts. YUM! It was the perfect brunch - I could have spent all day on the patio!

What an awesome date weekend! These 2 places are on the top of my list of cool bars/restaurants in the cities!

May 19th

We had our first ultrasound today! Chad and I both work downtown, so we were able to walk a few blocks over to the clinic on our lunch break. The technology was amazing and we were able to see our little tadpole and its heartbeat! They said based on its size and the forming of the head we were almost 7 weeks along - which puts my due date at January 7, 2010 (possible New Years Baby!) I have been feeling pretty good - really tired but I cannot complain. I stopped running, but still try to work out and walk at least 1 mile a day. Current cravings: strawberry anything, chicken noodle soup (NOT canned), burgers, sub sandwiches (I can't have deli meat), and of course other yummy things that all people love like ice cream and onion rings - so dont really think that counts as a craving!


Chad was startled from his deep sleep early Friday morning. His wife literally jumped on him and shoved a positive pregnancy test in his face-We were so estatic! I felt that overwhelming giddy happiness and excitement I felt after Chad proposed - nothing could wipe the huge smile from my face. Lets just say it was hard to concentrate on anything the rest of the day. We had the test confirmed at the clinic that afternoon. It must have been obvious we wanted this baby because the nurse seemed liked she felt privledged to give us the good news. What a happy, exciting time in our lives but we decided to keep it a secret until at least the 12th week. It was a challenge, as I was going home the next weekend for Mothers Day!