Monday, March 5, 2012

The Potty Story

I am trying to remember how we trained Nina so I have something look back on when its Ty's turn. I think I bought her a little potty when she was 18 months. She randomly peed on it in the next few months and had pooped a couple of times before her 2nd birthday. She seemed interested but I wasnt convinced she was ready and after Ty was born I was the one who wasnt ready - it was easier to have her in diapers.
Nina had been waking up with huge soaking diapers in the morning. But Saturday, Feb 25th was different - she woke up dry and thus Chad made the executive decision to start potty training and there was no looking back! We even went out to the MOA on her first day where she rode the ferris wheel and carosel with no accidents!
The next week we pretty much stayed home and sat her on the potty as much as I could remember. She would tell us after she went by saying "I skeez it!" By Friday she was telling us "I want to go potty! I have poopoo!" and she made the cartrip to WI with no accidents! It has now been over a week and she has never peed in her bed so I am thankful for that! And pooping has not been an issue at all. Probably because she loves getting 2 chocolate chips for poo and a "treat" (yogurt raisin) for a pee.
Today we went to the doctor because she was having painful urination, but there was no infection - just irritated from "too much wiping".

1 comment:

  1. Yaya's Potty Story! When you had the little potty in your bathrm, I would ask Nina if she had to go. I would get her all situated on the potty, and EVERYTIME Nina would say, "Yaya do it!" Soooooo of course I would go potty & Nina would giggle when she "heard" noises!:) Then she would go over and get me some TP!! Pardon the pun but "Way to go Nina!" Love, Yaya
