Wednesday, October 20, 2010

And here we go!

Nina has been talking up a storm! She has been able to say mama for about 2 months, but no other word - just high pitched squeaking. Until yesterday. We have been working on dada but she was saying baba. (I realize how ridiculous I sound right now). Baba opened a new can of worms and today was babblecity! Baba, dada, gaga, yaya, yaaaaa, yeeee.....
Oh, and she ate dogfood. Can't wait to see what she does tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nina....I can see why you ate dogfood if your mama is feeding you pureed cauliflower & yogurt. :) Can't wait to "talk" with you this weekend! La-la-love you tweetie! Love, Grandmama :)
