Sunday, September 26, 2010

Auntie Annie

We had a fabulous weekend with Auntie Annie. She came all the way from Milwaukee just to hang out. And we she comes to hang out, thats what she does - no agendas or schedules - she is here to visit and spend quality time. I love that! And she is the easiest person to have around - she is so laid back! I was thinking back and it was almost exactly a year ago she came to visit when I was pregnant - what a difference a year makes!
Friday we went to Barrio while Chad stayed home with Nina. It was fun to talk married lady talk and listen to awesome music. Saturday we slept in, had breakfast, and of course went shopping :)
Saturday night was girls night - wine, movie (highly recommend it), more talking, more wine and sleeeep. I looove sleeep! Annie was such a big help too - Nina loved playing with her so much and I was able to get other stuff done. She had new games and a new laugh even came out of Nina!
We had a relaxing breakfast on Sunday, walked to the park, and then it was time for Auntie Annie to say so long.
Just until Friday :)

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