Friday, April 9, 2010

17 weeks

This is gonna be a quick one - I hardly have time to even take a picture of Nina these days! Just want to get down what she is doing at the moment.

Likes to be tickled - holds in her laugh but sometimes a little one slips out :)

Loves her tongue - is always sticking it out or putting her hand in her mouth to feel it

Really loves her rainforest bouncer - she smiles and talks to the monkey

Enjoys going for walks in her stroller

Usually sleeps from 8/9pm to 5/6am

Has gone from grabbing my shirt to grabbing/hitting my entire chest and touches my face when nursing


  1. Awwwww......don't you know the 11th commandment Katy? Thou shalt not bloggest unless thou posteth at least one picture of Nina to go with thy words. :) Love, Mom :)

  2. Love the pictures! Even more we loved spending so many precious, fun, wonderful days with Nina (and you guys too!:) Love you all very much.......Love, Grandpa and Grandma
