Thursday, April 22, 2010

19 weeks

Will Power

It takes a lot of will power to not kiss this cute face...

I have been home sick for the past few days. You can take off work, but there are no sick days when you are a mom! It startles Nina when I sneeze and she was laughing at my attempts to talk when I lost my voice.

Friday, April 16, 2010

18 weeks

And....I love my hands

Friday, April 9, 2010

17 weeks

This is gonna be a quick one - I hardly have time to even take a picture of Nina these days! Just want to get down what she is doing at the moment.

Likes to be tickled - holds in her laugh but sometimes a little one slips out :)

Loves her tongue - is always sticking it out or putting her hand in her mouth to feel it

Really loves her rainforest bouncer - she smiles and talks to the monkey

Enjoys going for walks in her stroller

Usually sleeps from 8/9pm to 5/6am

Has gone from grabbing my shirt to grabbing/hitting my entire chest and touches my face when nursing